customer care

In order to evaluate the complaints Nian Electronic Company, respecting the customers and beneficiaries' requirements and comments, considers the customers recommendations which leads to increasing the satisfaction and loyalty and improving the company.
Nian Electronic has planned and is performing the "Customer Care" system based on the standard ISO10002:2018 in order to protect and provide customers, organization and other beneficiaries' benefits, increase the organizational ability to prevent dissatisfactions, create customer-oriented approach and prepare a basis for continuous review and analysis of dissatisfactions and complaints. 

The most important goals of Nian Customer Care department:
-    Providing a customer-oriented system by allocating the necessary resources to receive the complaints and customers reactions and consider them
-    Providing a free, efficient and user-friendly systematic process for the customers to declare their comments and problems. 
-    Improving the employees' knowledge of customer relationship management and providing the suitable answers by holding the frequent training.
-    Using the customers' knowledge and experiences in customer care process correction and improvement, products and technical engineering services.
-    Regular reports for the process of customer care and related actions and attempts and follow-ups for the customers and beneficiaries.
-    Creating confidence about confidentiality of the complaints and customers information.
-    Providing and developing the new suitable connection routes in order to receiving the customers' complaints.
-    Evaluating the effectiveness of customer care system and measuring the customers' satisfaction from Nian reactions and attempts.

Nian Electronic managers and employees, informed about their responsibilities and authorities in the customer care process and regarding ethical and professional principles and using their complete abilities in order to consider the complaints and comments, are committed to avoid any prejudice and do their best to increase the customers' satisfactions.